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Become a Thomas Affiliate

Do you have a blog or website that speaks to our customers?
If you happen to be the owner of a blog, publication, or website, the Thomas Clinics Affiliate program is a great way to monetize your audience.

Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok & more
If you run a successful YouTube channel, Pinterest profile, Instagram or TikTok account that could be relevant, we’d be more than keen to see you on board with the program.

Do you discuss health? Wellness? Feeling good about yourself?
Regardless of the many types of guests or topics you explore, our clients fit a very broad demographic.

You Already Know How Awesome Thomas Products Are
Refer your friends. Not only will they thank-you, but you will be rewarded for a long time to come.
Referrals that keeps on giving
The grand majority of our clients are lifers. They start. It works. They don't stop. This means that every referral will continue to earn for you!
All new clients that you refer will receive a 15% rebate on their first order by using your referral code. Subsequently they will have been attributed to you on all direct orders. You will continue to reap rewards.
Commission Rate
Earn 10% of all sales to your referred clients for 3 full years!
Payout example
A customer initially buys $70 worth of product and continues to use it at a monthly cost of $70. The customer would receive a $10.50 discount off the regular price, paying $59.50. You would earn $5.95 from the first purchase and $7.00 each month after for 3 years. Annually, one customer would generate approximately $84.00 for you. If 1,000 customers sign up, the annual income would be $84,000.00. Over three years, this would total $252,000.00 for those 1000 referals.